Katherine Fauvre: Why Does the Introverted Enneagram Type 6 Often Mistype as Type 5?

©1995-2022 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

Question: Why does the Introverted Enneagram Type 6 often Mistype as Type 5?

Katherine: Special Notices: FWIW The test has been specially programmed to detect the specific patterns that only the type 6 and type 9 use. This pertains to the patterns they use when taking testing instruments.  So, this pattern will show up in all testing instruments.

I took the time, energy, and money to add these patterns to the test because so many people mistype. Having said that, it is predominantly the type 6 and type 9 that miss out on the strategies that ease their anxiety and suffering.

Test-takers receive the special notices to help them recognize the possibility that they may have type 6 or type 9 in their Tritype® or in some cases that they may have both type 6 and type 9 in their Tritype®. 

The asterisks notify the test-takers that their choices were consistently inconsistent in a very specific manner.  This programming was based on tens of thousands of participants.  I had this programmed into the test because most people are unaware of key aspects of each of the 9 Enneagram types that were lost in the dissemination of the Enneagram.

The significance of these special notices depends on how many the test-taker received. Each notice points to a different but very particular pattern. The programming stops at seven, even if the test-taker has demonstrated additional patterns.  So in v8 test-takers will not receive more than seven notices.

Identification with the Enneagram Types and Tritypes®:
The Enneagram is the only personality typology that is NOT based on identifications and behaviors.  Instead, the Enneagram is based on motivations and defense strategies.  Behaviors can give us a starting point to consider. The descriptions may or may not match or seem to match but in the end, test-takers need to observe whether or not they actually use the defense strategies of the types in their Tritype®.

So in the case of type 5, one would recognize that they use retentiveness, withholding, and isolation to safely navigate their world.  In the case of the 6, one would recognize that they use reactivity, rebellion, and projection to safely navigate their world.

If you have type 9 in your Tritype® you can test in a very similar pattern that the 6 does. 

The primary Enneagram types identify the focus of each center. The Hexad types are variations of the primary types. So, it is interesting to consider the shock points and three forces at work with the primary types.

The 3 is the first shock point that is initiating force, the 6 is the oppositional force that sees the other side of every situation, and the 9 is the inclusive integrating force that sees all points of view. All three seek the balance of their respective wing types.

To take the Test click: https://enneagramtritypetest.com/

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information:  www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2022 Katherine Chernick Fauvre