©1995-2022 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®
How to Design Your Home Based on Your Enneagram - Article for Redfin.com by Ryan Castillo 1-4-22
To see Katherine’s post and what other Enneagram professionals said about the types and home furnishings can be found here: https://www.redfin.com/blog/enneagram-home-design/
Katherine’s tips on how to design your home based on your Enneagram Type:
”All Enneagram Type 8s want to express themselves in an individualist and bold manner. However, a Type 8 that has the cool coloring of a winter, refined features, and is the priest archetype will like more refined and decorative furnishings like the Art Deco period, whereas a self-preservation Type 8 that has the warm coloring of an autumn, rugged features, and is the warrior archetype will prefer more substantial furnishings with less decoration like the early American period. – Katherine Fauvre Consulting”
Enneagram, Types, Tritypes®, Instinctual Types and Home Furnishings
©1995-2022 Katherine Chernick Fauvre
Take the Test here: https://enneagramtritypetest.com
The 5 is taciturn and probing, focusing on gathering the data needed to fill the inner emptiness they feel.
In contrast, the 9 is mellow and easygoing, focusing on the comforts needed to fill the inner separateness they feel.
The Enneagram term is now mainstream. It is being used to describe furniture choices according to type. I feel it is important to note that much more than type needs to be considered when selecting furnishings. Having said that, each Enneagram type does want a certain type of energy in their home furnishings and accents.
For example, Enneagram Type 8s may like symbols of war as accents, whereas Enneagram Type 3s may prefer sports as a theme. Enneagram Type 4s may prefer items that are rare and/or unusual, and Enneagram Type 2s may prefer heart themes.
My research has shown that Social Instinctual Types tend to like creating a home that can host others and like accent items that symbolize people and bonds of friendship like open hands and bowls that have hands all around them. Ideally, home furnishings should be based on the instinctual stacking and Tritype® stacking. For example, body types and self-preserving types want to be comfortable, heart types want to make a good impression and show their sense of style, and head types want to show that they are focused on others.
So, all choices for home furnishings are best when based on an individual’s taste, interests, type, Tritype® instinctual type, coloring, body type, archetypes, and so much more…
Having worked with individuals for many years, I discovered that all Enneagram type 8s want to express themselves in an individualist and bold manner. However, an 8 that has the cool coloring of a winter, refined features, and is the priest archetype will like more refined and decorative furnishings like the Art Deco period, whereas a self-preservation 8 that has the warm coloring of an autumn, rugged features, and is the warrior archetype will prefer more substantial furnishings with less decoration like the Early American period.
More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here: https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information: www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®
©1995-2022 Katherine Chernick Fauvre