©1995-2023 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®
Question: Why does the test ask so many unnecessary personal details?
Katherine: Thanks for the feedback. Can you say more about what is unnecessary? And why? It is the most updated and comprehensive test I have created with the most special programming. ;) It took years to find a programmer who could add special testing patterns for the types to help those who naturally misidentify.
From the very beginning of the test, the test-taker decides the particulars of their testing experience. Individuals choose their Enneacards through their own rankings throughout. The test-taker decides what they will say. They may not realize that I never share results with a 3rd party. The results have, however, given a more in-depth understanding of all of the types... key information about the inner world of the types that we did not know in 1994.
Now, 30 years later, with tens of thousands of tests, it is easy to recognize simple mistyping. This way, those with type 6 and type 9 and those with type 6 or type 9 in the Tritype® can find out their Tritype® earlier rather than later.
After 50 years of working with typologies and many years of teaching, I wanted to create a test that could help people find their Truetype. It was very time-consuming and expensive, but I hung in there because I wanted to add the special features that could lead the undecided to their potential Truetype.
I did this because so many people struggle with the typing process. This is because we do not see ourselves as we are. Instead, we see ourselves as we want to be, need to be, should be, or have become. This is because the Enneagram of Personality is the only personality typology that is based on our hidden motivations rather than descriptions of behaviors or identifications.
For some 6s and 9s (with both in their Tritype®), it can take 20 years or more to find their Truetype. When they did discover their Truetype, they felt a wave of relief and could begin to work with the interventions for the types and experience a profound shift of awareness.
The test will alert test-takers of any important considerations. They are on the first page called 'Special Notices," If you have any, consider what they are saying and look for the possibility that your head type may be type 6 if suggested, or your gut type may be type 9, or in some cases, you may have both.
After 3.5 years of beta testing, the ETTv8 Enneagram Tritype® Test will be a product at a nominal fee. So in a few weeks, there will be a fee.
Best wishes…
More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here: https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information: www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®
©1995-2023 Katherine Chernick Fauvre