Katherine Fauvre: What are the Enneagram Instinctual Subtypes?

©1995-2019 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

Question: What are the Enneagram Instinctual Subtypes and Types?

Katherine: The three Enneagram Instinctual Subtypes are:

Self Preserving/Survival
Self-preserving instinctual types are driven by the ongoing search for survival and well-being. Anything that could possibly damage, endanger, or exploit the self and/or the body is of concern. The focus of attention is subtly on "the self," "my body," "my world" and, "my resources and needs."

The primary desire is for survival which is manifested by a continual perceived quest for a sense of well being and for the "essentials" of life, such as: safety, security, food, shelter, clothing, comfort, protection, and resources. They tend to be maternal individuals that seek and offer or withhold nurturance.

The concerns of the self-preserving types involve issues of living and compromise - for example, "to be or not to be" or "how to be." The survival strategy places an intense emphasis on either caution or self-destruction. The focus is to aggressively go after what one needs and/or to defensively hold onto what one has.

The common theme statements reflect the attention to "self," such as "I am my body, therefore, what does my body need?" "How am I?" "How comfortably and successfully am I experiencing my body?" "What are my immediate physical needs and desires?"

The energy projected is described as "conserved energy" and is often experienced as "grounded," as if it were tightly contained around the body like a spiral coil. The energy is usually somber, heavy, and serious in nature, as if the person is attempting to function while carrying some great weight on his or her shoulders, and is thus conserving energy for later personal use.

The self-preserving types will "sacrifice for self" to ensure survival. Rather than looking to the group or a mate to "solve problems," these types tend to "look inward" based upon an inherent recognition that "I'm on my own" and "I have to take care of myself."

Social instinctual types are driven by the ongoing search for others, groups and/or community, akin to the herd instinct in animals, where there is safety and security in numbers. The focus of attention is on other as in "who is doing what and with whom," "my circle of friends," "the group" and "our greater world."

The primary desire is for others or groups, which is manifested by an imbalanced perceived need for people, recognition, popularity, honor, status, position and social acceptance. They tend to be paternal individuals that seek and suggest ways to be in the world and cooperate with or rebel against social norms. They may be social or anti-social.

The concerns of the social types involve issues of relating to others - for example, "to relate or not to relate" or "how to relate." The survival strategy places an intense emphasis on either sociability or unsociability. The focus is on tracking multiple others and whether are important or unimportant and if they are a potential friend or foe.

The common theme statements reflect an inclination to categorize oneself in terms of others, such as "I am my position with respect to others or society, therefore, what do I need to do to fit in?" "Who should I be with?" "Who am I with, are they important?" "How comfortably and successfully am I experiencing my group?" "How am I perceived by the others or the group?"

The energy projected is described as "split energy" and is often experienced as "scattered" and projected outward, appearing personable, superficial, and cursory in nature. It is imperative that "a good impression is made" and that "nothing important is missed."

The social types will "sacrifice for their extended family or group" to ensure status. Rather than looking inward or to a mate for security and to "solve problems," these types tend to "look outward," based upon a belief that "my value is dependent upon how I am perceived by others, society and/or the group." "We can make it if we all cooperate and work together."

Sexual/Intimacy/The One
Sexual instinctual types are driven by the ongoing search for closeness, intimacy, pair bonding, connection and one-to-one relationships. The drive is especially representative of the masculine and feminine energies: the very qualities that determine the strongest and most desirable of mates. The focus of attention is on desirability and pairing as in "the beloved", "my special friend" and "our intimate world."

The primary desire is for a special mate, which is manifested by an imbalanced perceived need for connection, wholeness, affinity, and closeness in a continual search for "the other half." They tend to be highly charged and charismatic individuals that seek to create or reject intimacy.

The concerns of the sexual types involve issues of intimacy - for example, "to be intimate or not to be intimate" or "how to be intimate." The survival strategy places an intense emphasis on attraction and repulsion, with either abstinence or promiscuity. The focus is on developing and maintaining intimacy and the bond needed or a secure attachment.

The common theme statements reflect an inclination to define oneself in terms of the mate and the intimate relationship, such as " I am my intimate relationship, therefore, what does my relationship need?" "Who am I to you? " "What do I mean to my special other?" "How connected am I to my intimates?" "How comfortably and successfully am I experiencing my intimate relationship?" "Are we deeply bonded?" "How am I perceived by my intimate partner?"

The energy projected is described as "high energy" and is often experienced as "intense" and laser-like, appearing to be intently focused, and is usually playful and light, yet penetrating in nature. There is a sense of energy and vibration, the search for the mate, the need to display their strength and beauty, like the peacock showing its feathers.

The sexual types will "sacrifice for the relationship" to ensure connection. Rather than looking inward or to the group for security to "solve the problem," these types tend to "look to the mate," based upon a belief that, "I cannot be whole and complete unless I find my other half." "It is you and me against the world. "

How is this true for you?

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information:  www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2019 Katherine Chernick Fauvre

Katherine Fauvre: Why are Sexual 4s Mistyped as 8s?

©1995-2017 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype

Question: Why are Sexual 4s mistyped as 8s?

Katherine: Sexual 4s mistyping as an 8 is a common one because both the 8 and the 4 are emotionally intense. One intriguing insight that helps to clear up this common mistyping is that the Sexual 4 can be "counter-envious" with 8-like tendencies.

Claudio Naranjo described the Sexual 4 as often appearing "more 8 than an 8." This sexual 4 is in denial of envy, is self-confident, claims position, and knows his or her own worth ("I deserve it").

Moreover, this 4 can be cannibalistic, overstep boundaries, and diminish others to make the self bigger and to prove one right. This sx4 is extremely emotional, passionate and assertive. They express their 'passion for protest' and their viewpoints in an overtly emotional manner. This intensity and appearance of confidence, seems to be 8ish but actually hides the 4 fear of abandonment, which is at the root of the outburst.

The sexual 4 becomes emotionally demanding whereas the sexual 8 becomes unemotional and commanding. This is because the 4 is emotionally dependent as a means of survival, demanding the symbolic 'good mother' whereas the 8 detaches as means of survival and goes it alone.

The sexual 4 values raw authenticity at all costs and throws caution to the wind in the moment of intense emotional distress. In contrast, the 8 backs away from frequent emotional displays as the 8 sees such displays as a sign of weakness and as such, disempowering. The 8 seeks to control their world and reputation. So, the 8 is more likely to adopt a stance of indifference and "my way or the highway", hitting the road running and hiding in open spaces.

A great example of the Sexual 4 is Al Pacino's character in Scent of a Woman.

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information:  www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2017 Katherine Chernick Fauvre

Katherine Fauvre: More detail on the 6w7 639 Tritype® and its Instinctual Types and Subtypes

©1995-2017 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

More detail on the 6w7 639 Tritype and its Instinctual Types and Subtypes
I promised a long time ago to say more about the 6w7 639 Tritype®.

The 639 Tritype® is the primary Tritype® and the most amenable and adaptable of the 27. This Tritype® includes the core type of each center of intelligence. The core of each center is seeking to balance the opposites within each center to create resolution. The core of each center is usually out of touch with the focus of their respective center and tend to be caught in the dance of opposites created by the opposing defense strategies of the wings in each center. So the 6 as the center of the head triad struggles to trust themselves and their own inner guidance. They oscillate between feeling they need to be an expert about something or feeling they need to know a little about everything to feel safe.

The 3 is trying to manage the overall fear of being ignored, the 6 is trying to manage the fear of fear itself and chaos and the 9 is trying to manage the fear of being overlooked and unimportant. Together, the focus is on creating, restoring and maintaining peaceful relating.

If your Tritype® is the 369 it reinforces the primary issues. As a result, neutralizing conflict is a primary concern.

The 7 wing gives the 6 a lighter touch and a desire to manage stress with quick witted, often self-deprecating humor. So, the 6w7 with the 639 is the friendly boy or girl next door that wants to engage with others as a means of survival.

This strategy is true even if the person is shy. And, the extroverted 639 still feels cautious and/or has doubts but the extraversion makes it easier to bridge their shyness by saying something funny and/or witty. The introverted 639 uses their shy smile to disarm and engage others.

The Self Preserving 639
The self-preserving 639 is preoccupied with their physical needs. They focus on their sense of security and what will keep them feeling safe, nurtured, and comfortable. They tend to worry about everything associated with their essential needs, focusing on the demands of their home, job, pension, and family, etc.

Being disarming and friendly are tools of the trade for the self-preserving 6. And a friendly, and socially acceptable partner may be considered just as important as a good job as both reinforce that they have what they need in times of uncertainty. As such, they monitor their physical needs and resources to gage if they are safe and secure. To maintain a sense of well being they may also track the physical needs of their designated other(s). This can be exhausting and feel difficult to manage so they often keep their world small, letting in only one person or a trusted few.

The Social 639
The social 639 is preoccupied with their place or position within the group(s) of their choosing. Ideally, their group needs to be considered socially acceptable and their partner needs to be considered friendly and successful to insure and maintain the security that comes from status.

They focus on being dutiful and supportive to the people, beliefs, values and/or creeds they have chosen to align with. As such, they monitor who is doing what with whom and whether or not feel included and secure. To maintain their security they seek a role or position within their group(s) and family systems to insure they have others that will come to their aid should they need it. They see themselves as dedicated and loyal to the people in their lives. They instinctively shape shift and become what their others need in order to be deemed worthy of admiration and protection.

The Sexual 639
The sexual 639 is preoccupied with selecting and/or being a desirable and irresistible alpha mate. They are more intense and counter-phobic than the self-preserving and social 6. They seek intensity and chemistry in their intimate relationships and tend to push the edge in whatever they do. They manage their fears and anxiety by jumping into situations that cause distress proving to themselves that they are strong enough to manage whatever feels threatening. They can move from fear to action in nano seconds when they have already projected a worst-case scenario and have prepared for it. As a result they may not identify with having fear.

The sexual 639 focuses on having and being strong enough and/or beautiful enough to attract a desirable mate that will stand beside them and protect them when they feel insecure. Strength may mean physical strength and beauty or can be defined as someone that is extremely smart and competent. Ideally, they want their mate and close friends to be extraordinary in some way they feel they are not. As such, they may choose a mate that they think is smarter than most so that they feel they have all of their bases covered. To that end, they adapt to what their mate or partners want to insure they have their special someone that will stand together with them against an uncertain world.

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information:  www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2017 Katherine Chernick Fauvre