Nuances of Type Trio 3-week Masterclass: Advanced Series Recording


Nuances of Type Trio 3-week Masterclass: Advanced Series Recording

Sale Price:$250.00 Original Price:$300.00

Understanding your Enneagram Type, Tritype® and Instinctual Stacking can dramatically increase your ability to develop the critical self-awareness needed to accurately type yourself and others. In addition to more accurately typing, you can apply the wisdom of these insights to yourself and others, creating the opportunity for radical change and transformation. 

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Wing Theory
In this first session, Katherine will cover the significance of the wing types as taught by Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo. What they taught was that the Enneagram type is a result of the tension between the two wing types, creating one of many patterns of three within the Enneagram.

The wings are omnipresent and reflect different aspects of the type they flank. The wings can be imagined as archetypal opposing energies that create a third element, which is the type between them. In this session, we will work with the ways the wing types influence the values, strategies, motivations and core fears of the types and Tritypes®.

Type Indicators
In these two sessions,  Katherine will cover clues that can be seen in each Enneagram type and the significance of each of these distinguishing features.  Each type expresses themselves in a distinct manner. Some of these characteristics are the "hallmarks” of type. 

People new to the Enneagram love to discover the Enneagram Types, Tritypes® and Instinctual Types of their friends, family members, partners and co-workers. Initially, however, many of us are likely to mistype ourselves and others. This happens for a number of reasons. In most cases, this is due to a lack of formal training and hands-on experience.

In other cases, some people are just more difficult to type than others. Knowing what to look for can help to increase the possibility of more accurately typing yourself and others.

Katherine has found that there are 12-15 key factors you should consider when typing yourself and others. Some overlap, but she has found that there are at least 10 elements that you should pay attention to when trying to discern someone’s potential Types. Each factor is crucial, but no ‘one’ factor is more important than the others.