Katherine Fauvre: Enneagram Tritype® Test - I Think You're Focusing Way Too Hard on the Possibility of Mistyped 6's

©1995-2022 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

Comment: I think you’re focusing way too hard on the possibility of mistyped 6’s
I think you're focusing way too hard on the possibility of mistyped 6's; I got the notification of a possible 6 after taking your test and getting 459. I think categorizing a 6 as someone who gives inconsistent rankings is reductive. Despite this, I was fully ready to embrace 6 as a possibility until I read the description. Almost none of it applied to me other than the commonalities of  6 and having a generalized anxiety disorder. Especially statements on loyalty; I'm the least loyal person I know.

Katherine: Generalized anxiety disorder can be any type but it is usually found in those that have type 6 in the Tritype®. Type 6 seeks certainty and so can worry or be anxious if they do not know how to do something and/or feel they could have others mad at them, be accused of something, or be blamed for something.

For what it is worth... The test is just programmed based on the tens of thousands of test-takers I have actually worked with over the last 29 years. This test alone has had 500k discrete test-takers. So, their adjectives and their choices reveal patterns and when I see a new pattern, I interview those that share the same pattern. So, this test is ever-changing.

For what it is worth... Type 6 chooses who or what they are loyal to and for how long. They could believe that they are loyal to family, or loyal to a family member, to a mentor, a spiritual mentor, a coach, a boss, a boyfriend, or girlfriend, a spouse, a school, a company, or an ideology, or loyalty to themselves or what they have found to be true... Or just to themselves period. But the 6 does consider loyalty; even if they reject it.

Or a type 6 could say they are not loyal to anyone or the least loyal person they know; all of the above are examples of a focus on whether or not one is or isn't loyal.

This is the opposing nature of type 6, which is simply seeking balance within the head center which is the point of opposition. Things that are extreme or out of balance are unconscious threats. The unconscious focus on imbalance is really the desire to see both sides equally represented.

The need to state what they are not with any degree of emphasis is type 6. The other types don't bother to name it and do not need to blame a person, system, or testing instrument... ;)

It is a whole lot more and it begins with the test taker's very first choices. And then every choice after that.

Each test taker makes their own choices and in their own way. All the computer does is that it recognizes the patterns the other types do not use. The patterns type 6 use and the patterns that type 9 use; the other types do not use.

Just the beginning can have over 1200 variations. The test Taker chooses their Enneacards from the very beginning... ;)

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information: www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2022 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®