Katherine Fauvre Enneagram Consulting

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Katherine Fauvre: What is the difference between the 461 Tritype® and the 641 Tritype®?

©1995-2023 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

Question: What is the difference between the 461 Tritype® and the 641 Tritype®?

Katherine: This question is usually asked by the sad, emotional, and creative 6 with the 641 Tritype®. There is so much I can say… First, a little about the lead types and working with our core fears, and then the comparison…

The 641 often identifies with the sensitivity, suffering, and emotional identity of the 4 but have their doubts about the 4's need to create an image of themselves based on beauty, suffering, and elite exclusivity. They also identify with the 4s fear of abandonment not realizing that 6s also fear abandonment. The 4 and 6 will describe abandonment in a different way…for the 4 it is emotional whereas for the 6 it is mental. They can also share the identification with negativity. But what the 4 is negative about is different than what the 6 talks about. So, listening to the overall focus is key to seeing and hearing the difference.

The 4 is expressive in their language and word choices…the 6 can be but what stands out is that the 4 is very articulate and the 6 shows many expressions especially around the eyes and eyebrows while speaking or thinking or actually doing just about anything. So, tracking the different subjects, tones, expressions, and vocabulary immediately show the differences.

Both the 4 and the 6 can be anxious but what type of anxiety and how much? The 6 is and has always been anxious. They were drawn that way. 😉 Some will say that they are anxious, others will say hesitant, others will say timid, shy, uncertain, second guess, worry, doubt…simply repetitive negative thoughts.

It is a way of being for the 4. Everything matters and is considered critical to maintaining, a sense of self that is based on their need for both authenticity and sophistication… they are the artier focused on every detail: the aesthetics, the mood, the ambiance, the style, the look, the refinement, the quality, the elegance, the color, the fabric, the texture, the finish, the scent, the comb, the brush, the watch, the ring, the necklace, the belt, the shoes, the laces, the accessories, the leather, the mirror, the outfit, the shirt, the tie, the name, the pen, the paper, the words, the hairstyle, the hairstylist, the food, the restaurant, the furnishings, the home, the car, the type of paint, the metals, the architecture, the architect, the design, the historical influence, the marble, the roof, the lighting, the landscape, etc., and the exclusivity most of all. Everything must be elite and suit the 4s image of themselves as someone that is tasteful and elegant and possesses one-of-a-kind treasures prized for their rare beauty and perfection. Nothing is random or ordinary at least not for long.

The 4 has a strong, relentless, and often unconscious drive to be unique at all costs, which can separate 4s from others that find the 4 to be overly focused on themselves. If the 4 is immature, they may not see how off-putting this drive can appear and how it can push others away. This happens because others feel that they don’t matter to the 4 or are not unique enough for the 4 or do not want to discuss what the 4 is interested in. Others can feel judged, unseen and common. It is not what the 4 intends. Inside the 4 is a fragile heart that needs to be singular and stellar and a work of art to avoid painful feelings that they will never be enough or cherished because of their many flaws, both seen and unseen.

In contrast, the 6 with 4 and 1 may have a strong sense of aesthetics and wants to do things well and with a touch of flare but they know that their persona is a mask they can take on and off. The unaware 4 take themselves to be the image they have cultivated for themselves. The 6 knows the mask is their way to hide. The 6 may seek details like the 4 but the 6 is overly aware of not wanting to be too different whereas 4s wants to be different. The 6 knows they need backup more than the persona they may have created. So, the persona is fine if their friends also have a similar persona or if they are with their friends. The 6 knows they need people…at least a few key people. The 6 does not want their image to be so off-putting that it makes them a target. They may even avoid areas where they could be targeted. The 6 is focused on being safe more than being unique.

The 6 doubts everyone, not just themselves. They project the worst-case scenario in every situation and on to others they find suspect. The first impulse is to doubt others and watch to see if they are a potential threat. Many 6s, especially cp6s do not know that they are overly focused on safety, security, and certainty. The 6 is loyal to their person or people… not just anyone. They defer to the one they have attached to. They may say passive-aggressive things about their people but in the end, they side with their people or someone.

6s also prefer to be the everyman…the nice boy or girl next door with personal style rather than be so different that people are offended. The exception is the anti-social, counter-culture cp6. They are attracted to the group they have identified with that is counter-culture. They enjoy doing or wearing things that put people off… but they are not without their people. Even the most introverted, anti-social 6 will have a shy smile to attract others when they feel alone. The basic nature of 6 is to be friendly…they also struggle with anxiety so prefer to talk to people one at a time. They make friends one at a time. With each friendly relationship, they feel safer in their environment. So if they are a crusty 6 it is because they are anti-social and do not trust people or institutions.

146 Tritype®:
This Tritype® has a lot of 4 and 1 as they share lines of connection. The 1 has a line of connection to 4 and the 4 has a line of connection to 1. The 6 and 4 share the tendency to feel self-doubt. They fear scrutiny and do not always realize their scrutiny of others. The 6 and 1 focus on rules and regulations. Together they create a drive for high standards, beauty, meaning, dedication, and cooperation.

The 146 Tritype® is the Tritype® with the highest standards of the 27 Tritypes®. When their standards are met to their satisfaction, they relax and are extremely creative. When they feel stressed, they are very hard on themselves. and can become so rigid that they lose their sense of vision and creativity.

The lead type shapes the way in which the 146 will manage their core fears. The fears of all three types merge to create a more specific way in which the defense strategy will be activated. The 1, 4, and 6 are all striving to do things well and without error. Together in a Tritype®, the 146 has the opportunity to impact many with their meaningful contributions.

The 461 is very particular and strives for beauty and creative expression in all that they do. And, what they do must be above criticism both technically and stylistically. They are the focused, fussy, exacting 4. The 461 has the highest standards of the 27 Tritypes®. The 461 leading with 4 has the highest standards of the 81 combinations. These standards include the expectation that they must continually be original to manage their fear of being abandoned because they are inadequate in a way they feel is critically important. They strive to perfect what they feel is essential, for if they miss the mark, they feel that they are fundamentally lacking and will never recover. As a heart type, they feel extremely anxious that a single mistake will forever impact their image. They fear that others will look down on them. In such a moment, they feel lost and disorientated. They also feel that all is lost and may say or do something they may later regret.

If we were to step into their shoes, we would have tremendous compassion for the very real pain and suffering that the 461 feels and never be upset when they are in a spin of criticism and self-loathing. Believe it or not, that spin may look like it is amplifying their negative sense of self but, in another way, it is ensuring the defense strategy that it has identified what the 461 must know to never be or feel inadequate in the same way again. Ichazo called the 4 the over-reasoner because the 4 tries to make sense of their suffering and find a way to understand the pain so as to never have to experience it again.

The key for the 461 is to go inward to find the stillness or to go outward doing something physical to release the negative thoughts and emotions. And to try and remember that there are moments in time that do feel extremely tragic and that no matter how painful these moments are, they will pass and are actually fleeting in a forever-changing world. Also, if they can remember the many moments in time when they have felt truly inspired and blissful, times when a mistake became the foundation to create something altogether new. What may be lost in one moment can be found in a new way in the next.

So, the 461 needs a mantra that recognizes that self-criticism is a way to punish themselves for not being seen as singular and accomplished. They cannot truly know what others think or feel or for how long they might think or feel it. If they use their intuition with common sense and inner strength they will know who they are regardless of what others think, say, or do.

The 641 is identified with high standards as well, standards that will be appreciated and will keep them safe from criticism. They are the particular, creative, dutiful, and feisty 6. They try very hard to do what they feel they should but rebel against too many restrictions as they already have so many rules that they have created for themselves. They fear they will make a mistake and upset someone and/or be blamed for something they feel that they did not do. They do not want to be in trouble with anyone as it causes great stress to the 641 and the potential of being abandoned and left alone causes fear and panic. They run the highest level of anxiety of the 81 combinations of the 27 Tritypes®.

If we were to step into their shoes, we would have tremendous compassion and never be upset when they are in a spin of worst-case scenarios. Believe it or not, that spin may look like it is amplifying their negativity and fears or blaming you by sending barbs your way. But in another way, it is ensuring the defense strategy that it has covered all possibilities of what can go wrong so the 641 can feel safe enough to relax.

The key for the 641 is to go inward to find the stillness to release the racing negative thoughts that are amplifying negative emotions. The anxiety is very real but the 641 needs to create a practice of remembering that they are never truly alone if they can hold on to themselves regardless of what others think, say, or do. Perceptions of criticism or feeling blamed feel brutally painful and can torture the 641. They try so hard to please others that they become really anxious when it doesn’t seem to create the circumstances they had hoped would happen. And when you feel panic or extreme anxiety remember that it is because you have tried so hard and fear being at odds with someone. It has triggered your powerful drive to fight, flee or freeze as your defense strategy perceives blame and criticism as an extremely threatening situation. Freezing when feeling extreme anger and a sense of danger is the nature of rigidity and eventually, the 641 will react to release the adrenaline that is overwhelming and may regret what they say or do.

So, the 641 needs a mantra recognizing that what may feel like a threatening, painful, and anxiety-producing situation is a perception of the moment that can be terrifying. But in the stillness of the higher self, it can be seen as an opportunity to remember who they truly are and their powerful inner strength in the next moment.

First, I would like to say that when we have developed a way to find the stillness of our higher self, we can manage our painful core triggers faster and faster and faster. This reduces the charge and pain we feel when triggered. With practice, many of our most painful triggers that were once at the highest levels causing us to over-react in a defensive and aggressive manner can be reduced to much lower levels… to even neutral.

In neutral, our triggers may still arise, but we can recognize them and appreciate that our defense strategy is just alerting us of situations that appear to be the same as painful experiences in the past when we were powerless to protect ourselves or influence what was happening. The defense strategy collects emotional memories and is designed to signal the possibility of a painful situation. In time, we can sort out which triggers are real or imagined and calm the need to fight, flee or freeze. We can learn to soothe the wounded aspects of our personalities that were harmed and unable to fully comprehend what was happening.

With practice and understanding, we can learn to see old wounds but not overreact to them. This happens when we can recognize our triggers, comfort the wounded parts of our personality, understand the circumstances that triggered us, and learn ways to self-soothe and restore a sense of equanimity. In neutral we no longer feel the emotional pain and suffering at the level that we once did. With deeper work, with a coach, therapist, or guide we can develop the insight needed to transform negative thoughts, emotions, and experiences into personal empowerment, empathy, and compassion for ourselves and others.

More on the types at www.katherinefauvre.com

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information: www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2023 Katherine Chernick Fauvre