Katherine Fauvre Enneagram Consulting

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Katherine Fauvre: What was Hitler’s potential Enneagram Tritype®?

©1995-2019 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

Question: What was Hitler’s potential Enneagram Tritype®?

Katherine: This was my answer to Hitler's potential Tritype® circa 2010 based on having studied with Claudio Naranjo in 1996 when he introduced the type 4 passion for protest in a more expanded way.   It is natural to have a viewpoint that reflects what we have studied… and with whom we studied. It is important to remember there are no good types or bad types or Tritype®…rather simple idealized images, core fears, and defense strategies that produce our patterns of feeling (passions), Our patterns of thinking (fixations), and our patterns for arriving at our convictions (habitual behavioral patterns, and dogmas).

All of our teachers and experiences shape our views. Opinions expressed here are only viewpoints …you may disagree with any suggestions made regarding blogs. or his type and Tritype®. In my case, I offer an educated guess based on the diverse teachings I have learned over the past few decades. . ☺ If you wish, you can take this test imagining what you think Hitler would say here: https://enneagramtritypetest.com

I have taught the Enneagram since 1985. It was so profound that I went on to certify with Palmer-Daniels, Riso-Hudson in 1995, and Hurley-Dobson in 1996…. These in-depth certification programs were amazing. I then attended an intensive with Claudio Naranjo in 1996 and Oscar Ichazo in 2005. It was in 1996 that Naranjo expressed his change of typing for Hitler from a type 6 to a sx 4. Coincidently, I had just completed two years of qualitative research on the instinctual subtypes. Ironically, the sexual 4s had expressed having this type of defense strategy. I wrote about Naranjo’s informative intensive in my article, Reflections on Enneagram Type with Claudio Naranjo that same year. I was also teaching about “3Type"s now known as Tritype®. It was more particularly, the sx 4 with the 468 Tritype® that could explain more this defense strategy. It goes without saying that all of us have a potential Instinctual type, Tritype®, and MBTI. As a result, it was talked about in Naranjo’s intensive.

I have studied WWII leaders since I was 12. I was especially fascinated with what would cause someone to think, feel, and act the way Hitler did... His rise to power after being an insecure, failed artist, of course... And, his attachment to his mother and why he blamed her Jewish doctor for her death from cancer. His obsession with aesthetics… Even more, I was intrigued by his obsession with Wagner's operas from the age of 12. His suffering (real but I am noting his identification with the suffering), which he mentions in his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) that he is said to have dictated to his deputy, Rudolph Hess while in prison. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mein_Kampf. His bully tactics as a brown shirt, that landed him in jail. His impassioned, theatric speeches with the distinct ‘4ish’ content and delivery… the way he worked German crowds into an emotional frenzy focusing on Germans as entitled, superior and elite people that had been wronged. His identification with the power of Germany when he was Austrian, so much so, that he as soon as he could he annexed Austria to Germany when he came to power. His passion for art and architecture as it represented his idealized image of being superior and elite…. and his identification with power, pomp, and circumstance. His intense longing… His complex relationships… including his push-pull attachment to Eva Braun… His fascination with melancholy, depression, and suicide. His unpredictable emotional rages, of course! That he was a staunch vegetarian and very kind to animals, an animal activist of sorts with those around him, yet... but fly into daily vicious tirades and most importantly, that he attempted to systematically (with the organization skills of Himmler) wipe out his view of aesthetic imperfections in Germany…. and his extremely elitist view for the future of mankind... the ‘Aryan Race’… with a set of standards created by him with the help of Himmler that Hitler himself did not meet.

These particular dichotomies, to me, are often present in type 4. When I attended Naranjo's first Enneagram intensive in 1996, I learned that Naranjo said that he initially taught that Hitler was a 6. But, that he changed his mind when he reviewed tapes of Hitler’s passionate intensity as a public speaker… and saw his style and speeches to be those of a sexual 4. Naranjo stated that the sexual 4s had always confused him and that he had not fully understood them until 1996. He said he came to learn that the sexual 4 has "angry envy" and a sense of entitlement with a fiery passion for protest… that they will diminish others to make themselves feel ‘bigger’ when they feel inadequate, defective or flawed… That when they are fixated, they have a stance of “I know more than you do and I am correct.” He said he didn't know how he could have missed sexual 4 for Hitler.

He explained that the sexual 4 had intensity, sensitivity, emotional anxiety and 8-like tendencies…however, the sexual 4 is emotional and becomes heated and more ‘oral’ (as in verbally impassioned and critical) when fixated whereas the sexual 8 is unemotional, deliberate, focused and intimidating and becomes slower, myopic, emotionally flat, stony and indifferent when fixated.

After studying the leaders of WWI and WWII, and with the current data now available on Hitler, I tend to agree with Naranjo. I would also suggest that Hitler was the sx/so or so/sx 468. He could be 461 of course, but I feel his tactics as a brown shirt were more the way the narcissistic sx/so 46 with 8 last in the Tritype® is and that the so/sp 6, 1, and 3 influence in Hitler's Germany most likely came from Himmler. Comments welcome… ;)

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information:  www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2019 Katherine Chernick Fauvre