Katherine Fauvre Enneagram Consulting

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Katherine Fauvre: How Can I Understand the Nuances of the Sexual Instinctual Type?

©1995-2021 Katherine Chernick Fauvre

Question: How Can I Understand the Nuances of the Sexual Instinctual Type?

Katherine: The Intimate Instinctual Type is often not fully understood. Many friendly social types and those regularly sharing selfies are generally not the intimate instinctual type.

FWIW it really depends on what the selfies include, what is being shown, and why...as well as how frequently they are posted.

Generally speaking, it is the friendliness of someone with the social instinct that regularly posts. Most commonly, it is the ENFP extroverted social 6 that regularly shares their life.

The addiction for the intimate type is to the bonding chemicals that are released when the intimate types are up close and personal. This happens when the types reveal themselves in the manner of quid pro quo. It arises from closeness created by deep conversation and connections.

Remember to consider that the intimate instinctual type is seeking a single devoted partner and/or mate with whom they can share their secret innermost thoughts and feelings. They also need their intimate to do the same in equal measure.

The intimate wants to bear witness to their mate, to hear their innermost thoughts, and to have their mate long to hear theirs. It is about the secrets and most intimate, emotional aspects of life, Aspects they would never share in a public medium like FB or in a selfie that would be seen by the many rather than the one.

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
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YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2021 Katherine Chernick Fauvre