Katherine Fauvre Enneagram Consulting

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Katherine Fauvre: Trialectics, Types, Dialectic Behaviors, and Counter-types

©1995-2021 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

Trialectics, Types, Dialectic Behaviors, and Counter-types
When Naranjo mentioned counter-types, it was to simply explain why the cp6 could seem like an 8, based on their behaviors, but still have the fears they might be afraid of as the 6.

He said that the cp6 was more counter-phobic than the self-pres 6 but that all 6s would naturally be both phobic and counter-phobic at one time or another. I asked if there were other counter-types, and he said to a degree, there were ways in which the types could be counter to the "stereotype" of the type...

He was teaching about the way in which the fear of the Enneagram type merges with the fear of the instinctual type to create a more specific focus of attention.

So, if the cp6 has a fear of fear itself, he or she would be in denial of their fear and instead become what he called a "proof junkie" to convince themselves and others that they are strong and/or beautiful and not afraid. This was also why he felt 6s had so much trouble self-typing and accepting their typing sessions.

They would need to focus on becoming strong and/or beautiful to conceal their fear in order to be seen as desirable. Instead of cowering, they learned mind over matter and moved into the fear to manage the adrenaline that needs to be discharged in 3-5 minutes.

The anxiety and buildup of a looming negative anticipation of facing a sense of dread that threatens to overwhelm the 6, or a potential or projected negative belief about something that can go wrong, is exhausting to the 6 because a projected fear also undermines the reputation of the 6 as a competent leader. So the cp6 will impulsively react by jumping into the source of their fears as quickly as possible to get it over with as soon as possible.

But as I mentioned above, he also said that all cp6s would naturally have times when they are phobic, and the phobic 6 would have times when they are cp6. He talked about the counter-types when asked why the 6 had a counter-phobic type? And do the other types have counter types?

He said yes simply because it is a defense strategy, not absolutes. So, the sx4 feels more entitled and demonstrates more angry envy than the so4 and sp4, but all three still suffer from having low self-esteem. The sx4 has counter-envy in this way, whereas the sp4 has more counter-envy in their ability to endure like the 1 but that all three types suffer from a painful sense of lack.

His answer was in response to people wanting clear absolutes in that the Enneagram needs to be studied by comparing and contrasting the types rather than by making one of his hypotheses to be absolute. He stressed the difference between a dialectic system of behaviors and the Enneagram, which is based on Ichazo's Trialectics® motivations.

So, he quickly mentioned the ways the types could be counter to their type. But he also mentioned more than one type that could have counter-aspects that made them appear to be different from their type.

For example, he said that the social 8 was the counter-type of 8 in one way and the sexual 8 was the counter-type in another.

He mostly stressed that the types were fluid and moving between their wings and lines of connection at all times in patterns of 3, which was in keeping with Ichazo's Trialectics®.

Instead, he felt it was more important to base type on the motivations of the types and dominant instinct together rather than the behaviors as behaviors create a bigger problem.

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information:  www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2021 Katherine Chernick Fauvre