Katherine Fauvre Enneagram Consulting

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Katherine Fauvre: How to Potentially Spot the 963 Tritype®?

©1995-2022 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®

Question: Trying to figure out my tritype as sp9w8
Tips on typing / Advice
Using my Enneagram results from 2 tests, I get different results. Using one, I'm 925 and the other I'm 947. Both were really close percentage-wise. A typing interview that can get around the super-ego helps of course. You need to be able to fool the superego to discover the deeper issues that are running the show… ;)

Katherine: Hello, what I can say is that this is a very common pattern for the type 9 with type 6 in their Tritype®. It is usually the 963 Tritype®. Without a typing interview, I can suggest you examine the 963, and 693.  On rare occasions, it can be the 962 or the 692 because they have the type 6 and type 9 which produces doubt so they commonly struggle with knowing whether the 9, the 6, or the 2 is the dominant type.  This is perfectly natural when the type 6 and type 9 are in the Tritype®.

The Enneagram type 5 and type 7 are opposites of one another within the head center… they point to type 6 as the head type because it has access to both type 5 and type 7 as wing types.

The Enneagram type 2 and type 4 are also opposites of one another within the heart center… they point to type 3 as the head type because it has access to both type 2 and type 4 as wing types.

If you have taken my test check to see if you received any special notices. They can help you determine if you might have 6 as your head type and type 3 or 2 as your heart type.

If you need to take the Enneagram Tritype® test, click: https://enneagramtritypetest.com

More about the 369 Tritype®
Is usually the 963 or 639 Tritype®. All three types in this Tritype® adapt, modify, and seek balance… more importantly, they naturally pay attention to what they relate to and/or identify.

The 369 is the primary Tritype® because it has all three types that represent the center of each center of intelligence.  This makes it more difficult to see oneself and the defense strategies used.  The 369 Tritype® is meant to track behaviors and the situation at hand rather than defense strategies and motivations. This is what makes it difficult to self-type.

So, I suggest that your track the defense strategy you use in each center. You need to be able to observe the ego's idealized images, core fears, and the actual defense strategies of these three types.

For what it is worth... the heart type is often the type 3... The 963 has the most trouble determining their Tritype® because they have access to all 9 types. If you are the 963 Tritype®, you may remain unconvinced for a long time...because it is part of the defense strategy of type 9 to see all points of view but to remain unconvinced by any... ;)

More on Tritype® here:
Katherine created a test that has been programmed to pick up particular patterns that the types use.
Take the Test here:  https://enneagramtritypetest.com
General Information:  www.katherinefauvre.com/tritype 
YouTube: Katherine Fauvre | Creator of Tritype®

©1995-2022 Katherine Chernick Fauvre: Originator of Tritype®